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LHS Attendance Policy

We expect that every student will strive for full attendance and punctuality in each class as attendance is a key factor to academic success. There are also legal considerations for those students under the age of 16. The Education Act states that children must attend school until they reach the age of sixteen years. Furthermore, the Act requires that every student (regardless of age) shall "attend school regularly and punctually".
The PVSD Student Attendance Policy (AP-3040) can be viewed on the PVSD website.


1. Compulsory School Age
The Education Act 1995, Chapter E-0.2, Part 1: Interpretation, states: "compulsory school age" means having attaining the age of seven years but not having attained the age of 16 years.
2. Local Attendance Counselor
The Education Act, 1995, Section 159(1) states: Every board of education shall appoint a person or designate a member of its staff to be the local attendance counselor for the school division. The Local Attendance Counselor for the Division is the Superintendent of School Services.
3. Chronic Absence
Refers to students missing an extended period of school when excused absences are taken into account. Chronic absence is defined as missing 10% or more of the school year (equivalent to 18 days out of a 180 day school year)
4. Chronic Truancy
Refers to students missing an extended period of school when unexcused absences are taken into account. Chronic truancy is defined as missing 10% or more of the school year (equivalent to 18 days out of a 180 day school year).

Students are responsible for arriving at class on time and appropriately equipped. To have the absence excused, it is the parents' responsibility to contact the school prior to or on the day of the actual absence. If an absence is to be “excused”, families must record the absence via Edsby or call/email the school directly. Failure to receive a notification from the parent on the day of the absence with result in the absence will be recorded as "unexcused." Failure to report the excused absence, for any class, results in contact of parents. Generally excusable reasons for absence are illness, a medical appointment, or a family emergency. Students 18 years of age or older may be responsible for their own attendance if they are no longer living with parent/guardian.
Attendance records are legal documents and can be called upon through the courts to
provide evidence of where an individual was at a particular time on a particular date.
Lumsden High School Attendance Protocols
Note: All outlined procedures are guidelines only. Individual circumstances will dictate the steps taken for each student.

Absences: The student is not in the classroom or other designated instructional area and therefore not under the direct supervision of a teacher. An absence can be recorded as either “Excused” or “Unexcused” and can have a reason and comment attached to it.

• After 10 course absences, a designated advocate from the attendance team will reach out to the student/parents/guardians of the student. The
student/parents/guardians will be informed that the student is at risk of being withdrawn from the class. Students/parents/guardians will receive notification in writing.
• After 15 course absences, a Student Attendance Intervention and Support Plan (APF-3040.1) will be developed by the administrator, student, parent/guardian, in consultation with the attendance team.
• A total of 20 absences will result in the loss of credit in the course unless there are extenuating circumstances that are recognized by school administration. Parents/guardians will receive notification in writing.
• Students who are in grades 9 or 10 may be placed in a scheduled tutorial or in an alternative placement. Attendance will be taken during this time.
• Students who are flagged as missing 30% of class time in any given month may be contacted by the attendance committee.

Extenuating circumstances:

There may be extenuating circumstances that require a student to be away for a period either with prior knowledge or because of an emergent situation. If this is the case, there will be consideration of these circumstances when reviewing student attendance.
Medical documentation may be requested.

Extended absences:

Extended absences will need to be arranged in advance with administration and the attendance committee. It is not sufficient nor appropriate to only notify classroom teachers. Families need to be aware that absences greater than 10 school days cannot be accommodated by teachers. LHS does not offer distance learning. Attendance is paramount for learning and teachers need to first understand the learning needs of the student before assigning tasks and homework. Teachers may not be able to provide any information or assignments while students are away for an extended period. Upon the
student’s return to school, they will meet with administration and the attendance committee to plan for their return to their classes.

The student arrived in the classroom or other designated instructional areas after the final bell has rung and was under the direct supervision of the teacher following that arrival. The student will be asked to sign in at the office where the time of arrival is also recorded.

Concerns with lates shall be addressed on a case-by-case basis and the emphasis shall be on maintaining student academic progress and developing acceptable behavioural habits.
• 5 lates within a same course /month = ½ hour of time made up over
lunch/parent notification
• 10 cumulative lates/month = 1 hour of time made up over lunch/parent
notification /suspend extra-curricular activities for one week
• 15 cumulative lates/month = parent notification/suspend extra-curricular for one month/violation on parking pass
• Additional lates will result in a parent meeting/attendance contract with

Students must attend school for the entire school day to be eligible to participate in any extra-curricular activity on that day/evening. If a student is deemed ineligible to participate, students/parents/guardians, coaches/teacher supervisors will be notified. An exception may be made due to medical appointments or emergencies.

Students writing final assessments are not to be away during those weeks. We encourage parents/families to honor the final exam schedule.
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