Extra-Curricular » Extra-Curricular


The school recognizes the importance of strong extra-curricular programs.
It is our belief that school programs should develop academic, aesthetic, athletic, leadership, social and emotional skills in students.  All students are encouraged to participate in some aspect of the school’s clubs, teams, committees and interest groups.  We believe this is an excellent way for students to develop personal interests, skills, self-confidence, self-esteem and lifelong friendships

Pay to Play Participation Fees - Payable to the LHS SRC at the time of the activity

Athletic Contract

In order to participate in any extra-curricular activity at Lumsden High School the following rules must be upheld.
  1. I understand that participation in extra-curricular activities is a privilege, not a right.
  2. I must maintain satisfactory standing and attendance in all my subject areas. I must remember that academics are a priority.
  3. I must attend school for the full day to be eligible to participate in any activity during the day or evening.   If I must be absent, the office should be contacted in advance to discuss.
  4. Each staff advisor will outline participation guidelines.  For example missed practices may result in reduced game time or missed meeting may result in a change of responsibilities.
  5. If my classroom behaviour is not acceptable, I may be deemed ineligible to participate. The school administration and staff advisors will consult to determine possible consequences.
  6. Suspension from class automatically prohibits participation for the day of the suspension.
  7. I realize it is an honour and a privilege to represent Lumsden High School.  I will conduct myself at all times in a manner which brings admiration and respect to me and Lumsden High School.
  8. I understand that Pay to Play and School fees are to be paid in full prior to participation in extra-curricular activities.