What is the school community council?

School Community Councils across the province provide a province-wide mechanism for parents, community members, school staffs and students to be actively involved in local initiatives that positively impact student learning and success, including school-level learning improvement plans and career development initiatives.
These new local governance systems provide the opportunity for urban and rural residents to access the same framework of local governance to impact on the real issues that affect student learning and well-being.
School Community Councils are working with parents and community members to:
  • develop shared responsibility for the learning success and well-being of all children and youth; and,
  • encourage and facilitate parent, community and youth engagement in school planning and improvement processes.
  • This article taken from the Ministry of Education website.​
Executive will be voted in at the LHS SCC AGM on October 4, 2023 for the 2023-24 school year.

New members always welcome! 6:30PM Start

2023-24 Meeting Dates:

September 6
October 4 (AGM)
November 15
January 10 (Virtual)
March 20
May 8

SCC Members:

Chair:  Renee Young
Vice Chair: Angie Prokopetz
Secretary:  Bonnie Fenrick
Treasurer:  Alyssa Frankl
Student Rep:  Jocelyn Young
Member(s) at Large: 
Marcie Conrad, Myria Papalouca, Michelle Moore, Charla Sebastian, Lindsay Dumontel-Niedelski, Tammy McSymytz

PVSD Board Member: Verne Barber
Mr. Wade McAmmond (Principal)
Ms. Corralee Smith (Vice Principal)